Public and Employer's Liability are both covered on a retail policy. These sections protect you if a customer or employee injures themselves or damages their property during the course of either doing business in your pharmacy or while working for you.
Cover for your stock, drugs and fixtures and fittings are also covered under a shop policy. Most Pharmacies have refrigerated stock. During quotation phase we will ask you how much refrigerated stock you carry and how much in each fridge. This is because the insurance companies all have different limits on a policy level as well as on a per fridge level and we will want to make sure that you have the correct cover without overpaying.
Your glass and signs are also covered under your retail policy and finally your cash cover. Cash cover is for cash in transit to the bank as well as in cash registers during the day and in the safe overnight. Again, different insurers have different limits so we will be asking you questions around your cash amounts, lodgement habits and details of your safe to match up the best shop policy for your business.